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Trusted In The Columbus Area For More Than 40 Years

Post-Marital agreements now available in Ohio

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2023 | Pre-Marital And Post-Marital Agreements |

You probably already know about premarital agreements. You might not know that you can have a post-marital agreement in Ohio. A premarital agreement protects assets in case of a divorce.

A post-marital agreement happens during the marriage. It outlines what will happen in the event of divorce or death.

What are the requirements of a post-marital agreement?

In Ohio, the post-marital agreement has to:

  • Have the signatures of both parties
  • Have full disclosure of all assets
  • Provide that neither party is under duress
  • Not promote divorce

This is an agreement between the parties, not a weapon in a divorce. It can also be useful in amending a prenuptial agreement.

What are the types of post-marital agreements?

  • Division of assets and spousal support – this provides an exact outline of the division of assets in the event of a divorce. It can support or waive rights when it involves alimony or child custody.
  • Vehicles for waiving spousal rights on death – this outlines what happens to assets after death. In some cases, the assets go to the spouse; in others, they may go to the children.
  • A separation agreement template – much like a prenuptial agreement, this is a template that spells out how child custody, support and visitation will take place. It can also divide assets and liabilities.

Why use a post-marital agreement?

A post-marital agreement helps the parties keep track of assets, provide for children and deal with financial issues. It essentially makes a separation, death or divorce easier.

Often, a couple makes a post-marital agreement when they experience a life change, such as having children, starting a business or buying a home.