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Trusted In The Columbus Area For More Than 40 Years

What is the model parenting time schedule used in Franklin county court?

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2023 | Child Custody, Divorce |

In matters of child custody, courts strive to ensure that the best interests of the child take precedence. As part of this approach, Franklin County Court has established a model parenting time schedule. This schedule provides a framework for parents to spend time with their children post-divorce or separation.

The model parenting time schedule helps maintain a sense of routine and predictability for the child, and facilitates balanced involvement of both parents.

The standard parenting time schedule

The standard parenting time schedule in Franklin County Court seeks to create a stable environment for the child. It recognizes the importance of regular, continuous contact with both parents for the child’s overall wellbeing.

Under the standard schedule, the non-residential parent has parenting time every other weekend from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Additionally, one evening visit per week, typically midweek, is also part of the schedule.

Holidays and special occasions

The model parenting time schedule places particular emphasis on holidays and special occasions. The schedule divides holidays evenly between the parents, alternating every year. This includes occasions such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and the child’s birthday, ensuring the child has the opportunity to celebrate these special times with both parents.

Summer vacation and extended holidays

Summer vacation and extended holidays present unique circumstances, and the model schedule addresses these periods separately. The non-residential parent receives an extended period of parenting time during the summer, typically for a duration of four weeks. This allows for vacation plans or extended time together, contributing to the child’s sense of continuity and connection with the non-residential parent.

The model parenting time schedule serves as a guideline for parents and helps to eliminate potential disputes regarding parenting time. However, it remains flexible and permits parents to make mutual modifications to better suit their specific needs and the child’s interests.

While the schedule provides a solid framework, the court encourages parents to maintain open communication and cooperation to make any necessary adjustments. In doing so, they can best support their child’s wellbeing and happiness during what can be a challenging time of transition.