Many parents end up going through a divorce for one reason or another. One of the difficult issues they might need to settle is the children’s custody arrangements. Unlike childless couples, you and your ex will still have to deal with each other because of the children.
Having to keep in contact with an ex isn’t always easy. If the split was particularly acrimonious, here are some steps that you can take to make the process a little bit easier. If you are co-parenting, here are some key points to remember:
Keep communication clear
There are times when communication might be confusing. This is especially true when you are texting, emailing or using other forms of written communication. Electronic communication makes it is virtually impossible to discern the true intent of the remark or comment. The resulting misunderstandings then can make already difficult situations even worse.
When you are texting your ex, read it twice before hitting “send” to determine its tone. You might have to change your words to better convey what you actually mean. If you still don’t think that it is coming across how you want it to, consider calling your ex, if that is a possibility. Having the conversation over the phone could ensure everything is expressed clearly.
After you get off the phone, you can always follow up with an email or text. It is a good idea to recap what was decided or discussed in the conversation so you have a hard copy as documentation.
Remain respectful and keep focused
You and your ex must extend respect to each other. You must remember that you are in this for the children’s best interests. Keeping your focus on the children can make it easier to keep emotions in check. At the first sign of disrespect, take a break from the discussion to allow both you and your ex time to calm down.
There will be discussions that will be difficult to resolve. When these matters turn contentious, you might need to take a step back and reevaluate the available options that can resolve these matters. If you and your ex can’t come to accord, you might need to turn to the Columbus family law court system for help. Child custody modifications are possible under certain circumstances.