Photo of the legal professionals at Harry Lewis Co., LPA
Photo of the legal professionals at Harry Lewis Co., LPA

Trusted In The Columbus Area
For More Than 40 Years

Photo of the legal professionals at Harry Lewis Co., LPA

Trusted In The Columbus Area For More Than 40 Years

Our Columbus Attorney Answers Common Questions About Civil Protection Orders In Ohio

Civil protection orders (CPO), sometimes called civil domestic violence charges, are designed to protect victims of domestic violence. At Gregg R. Lewis, Esq. - Harry Lewis Co., LPA, in Columbus, Ohio, we are prepared to take immediate action to help survivors of domestic abuse obtain the protections offered by these orders.

People often have questions about how these orders work. Below, we have provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, we encourage you to reach out to us at any time. We offer a free and confidential initial consultation.

Are Civil Protection Orders The Same As Restraining Orders?

No. Technically, a temporary restraining order is an order issued during a divorce to prevent spouses from taking certain actions while the divorce is pending. However, the term “restraining order” is commonly used as a generic term to refer to all orders of protection. Some people may refer to civil protection orders as “restraining orders” or “protective orders” or other terms. Regardless of terminology, the important thing is that a CPO offers legal protections for domestic abuse survivors.

Are There Different Types Of Protection Orders?

Yes, there are several types of protection orders. A civil protection order is issued by the domestic relations court to protect against domestic violence. It is not contingent on filing criminal charges or a criminal conviction. Stalking victims may also request a civil stalking or sexually orientated offense protection order (SSOOPO) from the common pleas court.

If there are criminal charges against the abuser, the criminal court may grant a domestic violence temporary protection order (DVTPO) or a criminal protection order (CRPO).

Victims may get both a civil and a criminal protection order. Civil protection orders typically last longer, as the criminal protection orders only last as long as the charges are pending.

How Do I Obtain A Civil Protection Order?

Judges issue civil protection orders upon request from the victim of domestic violence. The request is made in the form of filing a petition with the court. This may be completed online.

CPOs are not just for people who have been physically abused. Domestic violence can come in many forms. In addition to physical abuse, it may come in the form of destruction to property, stalking, harassing or trespassing. The protection order can be issued in an emergency or after a hearing. An attorney can guide you through the process of getting a civil protection order.

What Is The Required Relationship?

Under Ohio law, a person can file a civil protection order against a spouse or ex-spouse, family member, the other parent of your child or children, someone you are dating or formerly dated or someone in your household or who has lived in your home.

How Long Does A Civil Protection Order Last?

A civil protection order can run up to five years. In some cases, they may be renewed. Temporary protection orders, or ex parte orders, run for a shorter period of time. However, ex parte orders are typically a stop gap to protect a domestic violence victim prior to a hearing to grant a full protection order.

What Can A Civil Protection Order Do?

Ultimately, these protection orders are designed to prevent further instances of domestic abuse. They can prevent the abuser from contacting the victim. They can require the abuser to keep a certain distance from the victim. This means staying out of the victim’s home, workplace, school, business or other locations. The order also could include an eviction of the abuser from the home or award temporary child custody to the domestic violence victim. A court order also could say that the abuser must seek counseling.

Schedule A Free Consultation With A Lawyer

Contact our law firm, Harry Lewis Co., LPA, at 614-721-6175 or through email to schedule a free consultation with attorney Gregg Lewis. We will take fast action to help you get all the protections offered under the law. We can also assist you with divorce or other family law matters. Our office is located near the courthouse in the heart of German Village in Columbus.