Ohio parents who share child custody with their former spouses will need to maintain relationships with them. One key to having a good relationship with the other parent is to keep the focus on the children. Any decisions that are made should be with their interests in mind, and conversations that a former couple have should stick to topics related to raising their sons or daughters.
Parents who are having trouble communicating with each other may want to undertake group counseling sessions. This may allow each person to create rules and boundaries as it relates to raising children together. Going to counseling may also allow each person to address any lingering issues that may make it harder to focus on what is best for the children.
It is important for parents to understand the difference between alimony and child support. Alimony is designed to help support the recipient while child support is designed to meet the child’s needs. Parents are not supposed to use child support payments to help meet their own financial obligations. Ideally, payment amounts will be negotiated outside of court, and the payer should do whatever it takes to make them in a timely manner. Making payments on time may lead to a better relationship between a custodial and noncustodial parent.
The best interests of the child will ideally be a top priority for parents who are no longer together. It may be worthwhile for individuals who want additional parental rights to their children to have an attorney help them meet their goal.