It is not unusual that an emotionally neglectful marriage ends in divorce. Emotional neglect is devasting and can erode and undermine a relationship.
Although emotional neglect is not specifically grounds for divorce, it falls under gross neglect of duty, which is. A spouse must provide respect, fidelity and support. Being emotionally neglectful includes not being supportive of your spouse. There are some very obvious signs of this happening.
When you feel lonely in a marriage, it is a sign that you are being neglected emotionally. You may not feel like your partner is actually a partner or that they do not know you. You might feel alone even when you are with your spouse. This can be a terrible feeling in a marriage and may cause other issues, such as seeking an emotional connection with someone else. It can definitely cause a person to consider divorce.
Interaction only on the surface
You do not talk about the important things in your life. You may feel uncomfortable talking about emotions, and when you do, it leads to an argument. You could run out of important, meaningful things to talk about. When it comes to intimacy, it feels awkward or uncomfortable. You only interact on the lowest level.
You avoid conflict at all costs
All relationships have disagreements. When you avoid your emotions, it builds up until you blow up but never get to what is bothering you. You utilize passive-aggressive techniques when you are sad or angry. Your grievances remain unspoken and unresolved.
All of these situations can be you, your spouse or both. Emotional neglect often starts in childhood. When parents neglect you, you do not learn to develop emotional attachments.